Assessment And Infection ControlAssessment - get to know your patient
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Learn how to get to know your patient during the step of Assessment.
Speaker Information
Prof. Magda Mensi
- Researcher and Professor in Oral Surgery and Periodontology at University of Brescia Italy since 2002 and first level medical manager at Dental Clinic at hospital “Spedali Civili” of Brescia since 2002.
- Main topics of research: Guided Biofilm Therapy, Aggressive Periodontitis, Topical antibiotics and delivery systems, periimplantitis, mini-invasive surgery.
- Professor of Periodontology, Oral Surgery and Implantology at Dental and Hygiene School of University of Brescia.
- Ordinary Member of SidP (Italian Society of Periodontology) since 2001.
- Master in Periodontology and Implantology at University of Ferrara (Italy) from 2010 to 2012.
- Author on main national and international papers.
- Speaker at courses and congresses all over the world.
- Visiting Professor at Ohio State University in 2015.
- Private Profession in Periodontology and Implantology.
- Scientific advisor for Dental Companies.
- Reviewer for international journals.
Regarding GBT:
- She published in 2016 on Quintessence International and JOMI (Italian journal) her innovative protocol of Full Mouth Erythritol Powder Air Polishing Therapy in combination with Systemic antibiotics ( amoxicillin and metronidazole) on patients affected by Generalized Aggressive Periodontitis.
- She first introduced the disclosing agent as a guide of her FM-EPAPT and she’s validating this approach in her randomized contro trials.
- She work every day directly and with her staff with Air Flow Prophylaxis Master on different clinical condition with many documentation and different RCT in course.
- She is scientific advisory for EMS.
Email: magdamensi@gmail.com
Website: www.magdamensi.it
Do we need to take physicians consent for before treating a medically compromised patient?
Depending on the patients medical history, it is recommended to take physician’s consent particularly in patients with pace makers, uncontrollable diabetes, cardiac abnormalities etc.