Recall: The continuous model of care - Webinar - Swiss Dental Academy Online

RecallRecall: The continuous model of care


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Find out more about the continuous model of care.

Speaker Information

Prof. Penny Hatzimanolakis

Prof. Penny Hatzimanolakis

Received her education at the University of British Columbia (UBC), completing both a Bachelor (2004) and Master degrees (2009) in Dental Sciences, and in 1994, her Dip. DH. As a UBC educator, she’s involved with the Graduate (periodontics) and Undergraduate Degree Programs (dental and dental hygiene). As a UBC researcher, her focus is on periodontal/implant diseases. She’s published in multiple peer-reviewed journals and speaks internationally.

As a clinician, she practices with a periodontics/prosthodontics specialty team, Imperio Dental Group. In the dental community, she’s a board member on the Pacific Dental Conference committee and supports Dental office/teams in achieving the highest standard of care, through her company, UpScale Consulting.