- 07/2015 University Bern (CH): Associated professor
- 11/2011 University Bern: Transfer of habilitation, Venia Docendi for the area Medical Microbiology / Oral Microbiology
- Since 10/2009 University Bern, Dept. of Periodontology: Head of the Laboratory of Oral Microbiology
- 2002 – 2007 Several research stays at Prof. Jan Potempa`s group, JagellonianUniversity Krakow (Poland)
- 11/2001 University Jena (Germany): Habilitation and Venia legendi for the area Medical Microbiology/Oral Microbiology
- 05/1987 – 09/2009 University Hospital Jena, Institute of Medical Microbiology: Routine diagnostics, teaching, research in oral microbiology
- 10/1986 University Jena: Dental Medical Doctor in Prosthetics Dentistry and Material Science at Professor Musil
- 09/1980 – 04/1987 Outpatients’ clinic Greiz (Germany): Dentist 1980 Diploma, exam and licensure as a dentist (according to the regulations of the former GDR)
Areas of interest in research:
- New options in antimicrobial periodontal therapy, oral biofilms, bacteria-host interaction in periodontitis, association periodontitis – systemic conditions
Publications in PubMed: 90 as first or senior author, 79 as coauthor